
FIG4_02 modified for web
Groundwater balance in a sedimentary basin

The software covers specific topics discussed in Introduction to Hydrogeology. The software codes including manuals are available on web sites accessible through the links stipulated below.


a) Related to groundwater investigations, the code Gewin-Excel is offered. The code deals with the interpretation of geo-electrical measurements and provides storage and presentation options for borehole data.

Sign in Jordan preventing groundwater pollution
Sign in Jordan preventing groundwater pollution 

b) For groundwater modelling, there is a link to the well-known code PMWIN-MODFLOW version 5.3. The code is very user-friendly and enables one to model flow- and transport.

c) Within the context of groundwater balances, the code Recharge-Excel can be downloaded. The software computes groundwater recharge based on rainfall, evapotranspiration and soil data.

d) For groundwater chemistry, the code Chem-Diagnostics is available. The Excel code computes concentrations in various units, the electro-neutrality balance, water types and saturation indexes.


The link to software and manuals  a), c), and d) is: https://www.crcpress.com/Introduction-to-Hydrogeology-Third-Edition-Unesco-IHE-Delft-Lecture-Note/Nonner/p/book/9781138028906. The links to software b) are: http://www.pmwin.net/pmwin5.htm and https://www.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/baug/ifu/ifu-dam/softwares/pmwin/pm5.pdf (manual). License agreement: It is strictly forbidden to use any of the above software for commercial purposes or transfer the rights of the material. Since the codes are provided free of charge the entire risk on their quality and performance is born by the user.